fredag 12. november 2010

Digital learning resources that travels well

While most digital resources can be used for learning, digital learning resources are made mainly for learning. The distinction between the general resources and the ones made for pedagogical use, lay primarily in the way the resources are connected to curricula and their reference to traditional subjects. One would think that digital learning resources are better made pedagogically, but such a statement is it hard to find good support for. Games, for example, are motivating, create acitivity, can be individually adjusted and so on. And the children learn a lot when playing games. The main difference is, as mentioned, that games are not related to curricula or school subjects.

A digital learning resource that can be used over the borders are "travelling well". An animation, a simulation or a pedagogical game that do not need much translation for the teachers and students to use, are normally travelling well. One could say that the communicative part of the resource are the foundation for a travel well resource. In addition the resource need to be relevant and useful for the school system where it`s intended for use. Below are five examples of digital learning resources that travel well (in most cases). Note, I do not say anything about other qualities, not even pedagogical ones, I just point out that these resources would probably be possible for use in most European countries.

The first one is a math game, "Master of mathmatics". This version is for adcanced learners. Number two is the same game, but aimed at less advanced learners.

1. (Master of math, adv):

2. (Master of Math, simple):

Another math resource is Live geometry. This is an easy to use resource, a kind of lightweight "Geogebra", if you know about that program.

3. (Live geometry):

As you understand, mathmatical resources often travel well, probably due to their use of international symbols. Another subject that has quite a few travel well resources is Geography. Look at this one:

4. (Lizardpoint, geography tests):

Finally, here is a biology resource on the theme "abdomen":

5. (Celebrate, abdomen):

Now, I haven`t touched into language resources, they are plentyful and often travels well.